Movie, wild at heart
Movie, wild at heart

movie, wild at heart

Cage acts with fire in his snakeskin jacket, and Dern does a fair job of becoming a dumb and oversexed doll.

movie, wild at heart movie, wild at heart

Eventually, stranded in one of those hamlets, Sailor goes in on a criminal job with the loathesome thug Bobby Peru (Dafoe). Sailor and Lula tell each other their life stories, make passionate love in a variety of motels, and meet some typically bizarre Lynchian characters in a string of small towns. Her mother Marietta (Ladd) goes crazy over the match, so the couple head out on the road with a detective (Sailor's jumped his probation) and a killer hired by Marietta on their tails. When Sailor (Cage) gets out of jail after doing time for self-defensive manslaughter, Lula (Dern) is waiting for him.

Movie, wild at heart